
Rick Scott: 'Obama's Mosque'

Food Lion8/16/2010 4:08:46 pm PDT

re: #125 LudwigVanQuixote

OK fine, let’s take that off the table. You are not a troll. You are just a proud American with a different opinion. Since it is very likely your opinions are different than mine, I would much prefer you answer the questions posed.

There are quite a few of you arguing about how American you are and how much you love the Constitution. So I would really love to ask why you think it is even remotely appropriate for lawmakers and wannabe lawmakers to be so opposed to both the First and Tenth Amendments by opposing the rights of Americans to worship freely on privately owned land under a local jurisdiction that has approved the project?

I can understand how rank and file ignoramouses can get whipped up into blind hatred that must condemn all members of a group, guilty and innocent alike, but they are not in, or seeking office.

So how is it that you are comfortable with “leaders” who so oppose core American and conservative principles?

What does this have to do with anything I’ve posted? I found the post I commented on distasteful, bigoted and unnecessary. How have you drawn all sorts of conclusions from that?