
Outrageous Outrage of the Day

CuriousLurker9/21/2010 11:52:07 am PDT

I think it’s kind of silly to fuss over where our rights originate. They were codified by our founding fathers. That is a fact.

Which ideas might have influenced their thinking and sparked debate among them is impossible to know with certainty unless one was present at the time, IMO. Whatever those ideas were, they managed to work them out and agree upon a final document that removed organized religion from the picture. That is a fact.

Even if rights came down directly from God, we’d STILL be dependent on man to interpret and implement them. That is a fact. And we all know how wonderfully that has worked out through the ages. /

Personally, looking at history and the current state of the world, I prefer to stick with what we have. The religious right can go take a long hysterical walk off a short pier. As an admitted believer would it sound really weird for me to say, “Thank God the founding fathers had the good sense to leave religion out of it”?