
A Music Video You Won't See on TV: Bob Schneider, Wish the Wind Would Blow Me

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce9/06/2013 8:05:48 am PDT

re: #132 ProTARDISLiberal

Find ways of helping the refugees, but don’t attack. Give more aid to refugees, reform our immigration system to allow more refugees in, and Oman and Kuwait for help monetarily in resettling refugees.

But don’t attack.

So the lesson for Assad and everyone else who might be watching is:

Use indiscriminate chemical weapons against whatever segment of your population you find undesirable for whatever reason (hint: label them terrorists whether they are or not) and if you do it enough the only thing you have to worry about is either that you will kill off all your undesirables or some of your neighbors will pay for their forced excommunication.

Sounds like a plan.