
Will Texas Become a Giant Bundy Ranch?

Justanotherhuman5/12/2015 10:07:36 am PDT

I had another “get off my lawn” moment a while ago. Had to yell at the
out-of-school and not working (dr’s orders, yet not wearing his heart monitor, either, as given by a heart specialist for him to wear) 18 yr old neighbor gunning a motor bike up and down in front of my apt. My grandson is trying to sleep and I couldn’t even hear the TV for all the noise.

He didn’t like it, but I couldn’t just ignore it. And the dirt bike is tearing it up the grass. I know it’s hard for an 18 yr old who hates reading and education, period, or sitting still at all, to be in his situation, but he does nothing around the house, either (“girls’ work”). His mother is no help; she just complains w/o trying to do anything about it.

I don’t want it to get to the point where I have to complain to the Klown Kar “mgmt co.” since they don’t appear to care how the place looks anyway.