
Britain Goes Weird: John Oliver on the Rise of Boris Johnson [VIDEO]

Teddy's Person7/29/2019 1:40:47 pm PDT

A long Politico article about Trump’s obsession with print media, presidential neediness (spoiler alert: He’s very, very needy), Ivanka’s West Wing slam book, and his enablers bending the knee.

… The president has even been known to sends printouts of tweets he likes. After he liked one Gaetz tweet, he had it printed by a staffer and signed it and requested that it be sent to Gaetz’s congressional office, where the now-framed tweet hangs.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), one of Trump’s closest congressional allies, earlier this year received several Trump-signed copies of The New York Times after it ran an editorial praising a policy on which they’d agreed, recalled a person to whom Graham has relayed this story.

“Graham’s response was, ‘What am I supposed to do with these?’” this person said.

Like other senior White House officials, Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, has “never stopped” feeding articles directly to the president, one person close to the White House said, adding that early on in Trump’s tenure, she particularly used to enjoy “bombing people out with newspaper articles.”

A senior White House official denied that, but noted that in the first year of the administration, the White house adviser would sometimes share news stories with her father about colleagues she did not think were “constructive forces for good.” She would point out articles she suspected they had leaked to reporters and that were hurting Trump and his agenda — after which Trump would eventually get rid of her targets, this person said.

Even Trump’s son-in-law, senior adviser Jared Kushner, has a framed New York Times article from Trump about the president’s proposed trade deal with Canada and Mexico that noted Kushner’s work on the issue.

I will never, ever understand the long list of people willing to suck up to Trump when he’s demonstrated time and time again that there is not an ounce of loyalty in his bloated, orange body.