
Sunday Jazz: Taylor Eigsti Quartet, "Hutcheonite"

BeachDem2/20/2022 9:43:24 pm PST

re: #126 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

Brilliant. He and his friends get to piss off a lot of Maryland and Virginia state troopers in addition to whoever they rile up in D.C. itself. Plus a lot of of non-DC residents I am sure will be highly amused with some sort of mobile disruption.

Or there is the possibility that this guy goes completely unnoticed in the traffic snarl that is the Beltway.

I was just going to say the first time I drove on the beltway, trying to get from Rockville to Silver Spring, it was shut down for 2 hours because someone dropped a suitcase out of their car.

(I then figured out how to go all surface roads, which was fine, except for the time I turned one street too soon and pulled into Walter Reed and was surrounded by peeps with guns.)