
Inside the Secret Liberal Media Email Cabal

J.S.3/27/2009 12:39:03 pm PDT

re: #129 Kosh’s Shadow

The CBC has lost ad revenue monies (they still have over a billion dollars in taxpayer’s monies), so now they’re into downsizing…800 jobs will be cut, and some of the CBC properties may be put up for sale. On certain topics the CBC would invariably fall off a cliff (that would be anything touching on the topic of Israel, Americans, Islam, etc.), but on other matters the CBC excelled…(some in-depth reporting was excellent, and certain reporters were truly excellent — top rate — I won’t name them)…others, of course, should probably pursued different careers (eg, converted to Islam and preached jihad in a mosque?) Maybe a shake-up at the CBC will be a good thing? (the same political panel on “The National” — the panel has been in existence for what — 20 years? now — the same people — the “pundit” from the Globe and Mail, the former pollster, the alleged lesbian from Montreal — the same people, 20 years later — whatever they say, it’s totally predictable — I’d like to see some fresh faces, maybe somebody new? I stopped listening to CBC radio a decade ago…and only occasionally tune in to CBC on tv…and, then, you spot the same “political panel” doing the same as per 20 years ago…and mostly Toronto centric. It’s my definition of “parochial.”)