
Phone Number in Roeder's Car Belongs to Woman Convicted in Abortion Clinic Bombing Plot

Walter L. Newton6/02/2009 11:11:20 am PDT

re: #103 capitalist piglet

I think you have to acknowledge that support for Roeder is far from universal in the Christian community. Christians here want no part of people like this and have been most vocal about it.

Where are you seeing this, “well, they are not really Christian” meme, in relationship to this story? I haven’t noticed that being a predominant theme among Christians yet (though I concede that I haven’t read a bunch of other websites since this happened). I’ve mostly seen it from people using it as some sort of argument against them.

What I haveseen on other sites is far worse - a cheering section. The sort of denial you’re describing, not so much.

(Not trying to be snarky, Walter…it just seems like there’s some shadowboxing going on, but I welcome some evidence to the contrary if you’ve got it.)

Well of course I’m not talking about Lizards here. But those blogs, where we see positive remarks about the killing, many of those commenters belong to churches or something. There is a connection of groups after group that support Operation Rescue. “Soldiers of Christ for this, Soldiers of the Almighty for that…” My point is, people who support, donate, belong, actively help these group, the “christians” that have left terrible messages on blogs, they all worship somewhere.

The greek scriptures give examples of how to manage those kind of negative elements in a congregation. But modern churches, sects, and flavors of Christianity rarely follow any of those guidelines.

Maybe they should. That’s my point.