
Video: Dutch Marines Board Hijacked Ship

darthstar5/03/2010 11:33:39 am PDT

re: #131 Decatur Deb

It’s obvious. Lefities want to obstruct drilling to protect the birdies and the fishies, so the the best way is to cover the bleedin’ ocean with oil and smother the little beasts.

One of the other fox fuckwits, Eric Bolling, said the following:

The question is, and I saw Dana Perino earlier on the show saying, you know, what, why the delay in the response. You guys were pointing out, nine days before it’s even addressed. Twelve days before he made a formal comment. The question is did they let this thing leak? I mean, I know BP said 1,000 barrels a day went to 5,000. Did they let it leak a little bit and say, “boy I don’t know.” I mean, the conspiracy theorists would say, maybe they let it leak for a while and then they address the issue.

Yeah, let’s let it “leak” (underwater fucking gusher of 20,000+ barrels per day isn’t exactly a “leak”)…what harm could that do? We can just sink a giant cork from Acme cork company (Wile. E. Coyote is their sales rep) and plug the hole when we’re ready.
