
Tea Partiers Beware: Stay Away From the Green and Yellow Lines

Fozzie Bear8/23/2010 12:06:30 pm PDT

re: #134 tnguitarist

You got a link that would walk someone through a process like that?

Hmm, no I don’t. If you want to mess around with this stuff, I suggest starting by downloading Sun VirtualBox and a Linux Distro of your choice. If you have no experience with Linux, try Ubuntu, just because its installer is very nice and straightforward. (Not too many options to throw you off) The reason I use Slax linux is because it is very very small, and thus fits on a USB stick easily. Ubuntu can fit on one too, but it needs more space.

Linux is alot easier to use than you might think, but it does entail an investment of time to learn how to use it. Not a huge amount of time, mind you, but some.

(It is entirely possible to put a copy of Win7 on a USB stick in a VM, too, but I choose Linux because it is entirely free, and it tends to be smaller in size and runs faster when virtualized.)