
Jon Stewart and the Guatemalan Syphilis Experiment

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus10/06/2010 9:07:50 pm PDT

Buchanan posted a (normal for him) racist-baiting essay on Monday.

What is even more ugly are the comments that his readers post, both on his own blog and also the nominally “Christian” Townhall.

No one here will be particularly surprised by the comments, but I can’t help but wonder how readers of, say, Townhall can not see the ugly comments for exactly what they are.

This is an example of what we find at Buchanan’s site:

October 5th, 2010 at 6:55 PM

GOP or Democrats – no matter whether the majority of White folks or Christians support – are controlled by the Asiatic minority of Jews, or great majority of Zionist Christians – are mostly loyal to a foreign country, Israel. Therefore, the winner is always the Israel lobby groups.

The only way the Americans would get their country back – is to ban all pro-Israel lobby groups and let Americans vote for the law-makers who have American interest first.

Here is small window to see who and how the Americans are controlled by foreign agents. […]

Now let’s go over to Townhall readers’ comments on the essay:

Herman Wrote: Oct 05, 2010 3:39 PM
This country is going to be a multi-cultural nightmare in the next few decades.

Where will white people be able to move? Europe, Australia, Canada etc? They are having the same problems we are.

Even if the ever shrinking white population on this earth finds a safe place to live non-whites will quickly follow.

White Hare Wrote: Oct 05, 2010 9:49 PM
I remember writing this same thing 10 years ago. I used to say:

In the future,when the last freedom loving americans are fleeing the ethnic barbarian hordes.At the Canadan border will they let us bring our constitution and founding documents in,OR will they make us burn them before we enter. There is no 2nd. amendment in Canada.

10 years ago i don’t remember seeing any mexicans around here,now their everywhere.Gangs walking our streets at night ,wal-mart filled with anchor-babies,and here’s the kicker,a trailer park built on the ship yard property for housing illegals .

My brother in-law, 27 years building houses , cannot find work.Our nephew ,10 years building houses cannot find work. The houses being built here are all being built by mexicans.Payed cash.


ROB from Louisiana


John Wrote: Oct 05, 2010 2:52 PM
Sorry, the fundamentals and underpinnings of our country were Northwestern Eurpoean people — nobody else.


Joseph Wrote: 20 hours ago (3:02 AM)
And who is this common enemy ? Big tent in the democratic party ? The democrats placed the third Jew on the supreme court ! Now three out nine supreme court justices are Jewish . The corruption of the democratic party is so evident since Kagan is not a briliant judicial mind nor has she any judicail experience ! I guess some griups under this big democratic tent are much more equal than others !

And so forth and so on. The “enemy” seems to be being defined as Mexicans and Jews, along with (of course) Muslims.

These comments are from your fellow Americans. They have a vision for this nation, and it may not include you.