
Shooting Victim Who Blamed Palin, Beck, and Angle Threatens Tea Party Leader

researchok1/15/2011 4:18:50 pm PST


What do you expect to find here? This site caters to a more liberal crowd in the same way Hoft, et al, cater to a more conservative crowd.

In the same way Hoft and others have their over the top commenters, there will inevitably be the same here.

That said, there is a difference between LGF and other sites.

Here, if you make an argument rationally and deliberately you will always find a willing audience. Yes, there will be some knee jerk responses (and sometimes lots of that) but overall, make a good argument and you’ll find vigorous and worthy debate. The same cannot be said for very many right wing pundits.

This site is primarily a community and less of an oversized soapbox. People here argue, have fun, get angry and manage to work things out without letting things get personal for too long.

By all means, make your argument, don’t make it personal and don’t take things too personally.

Lastly, people here have been known to change their minds, irrespective of ideological tilt. That doesn’t happen anywhere else near as often as it does here.