
Overnight Video: Two Fifty Three Kelvin

TedStriker1/15/2011 10:53:35 pm PST

re: #130 Gus 802

Artists always have their opinions though. John Wayne was very opinionated but I still like to watch the knucklehead. Spike Lee makes some pretty good movies. I can’t stand Sean Penn’s politics (in general and with regards to Chavez) but he’s a pretty good actor. There was a point when people were rejecting John Wayne, Bob Hope, and Jimmy Stewart because of their politics but I never bought into that. I feel the same way about that whether they’re left or right.

I don’t begrudge celebrities their political points-of-view, but I can’t stand that many of them equate their celebrity to a license to spew said points-of-view whenever and wherever they want…and expecting their adoring fans to lap it up.

Left or right, I don’t care for it…if they want to be involved in politics and civics on the down low (as much as a celebrity can, anyway), more power to them. It’s just when it spews out on every media outlet and in their work is where it gets on my nerves.