
Breaking: Zimmerman in Custody, to Be Charged With 2nd Degree Murder

Nyet4/11/2012 3:29:23 pm PDT

re: #129 Lidane

They’d have to have some sort of evidence to file the charges. They clearly feel confident enough to file Murder 2.

The question, I believe, lies in being able to meet the burden of proof, which is beyond a reasonable doubt. If they don’t think they can clear it, but that they have enough to convict on a lesser charge, then they’d offer a plea deal. I think. If all those legal TV shows I watch have taught me anything. Haha.

Then they should simply charge him with the lesser charge. Again, I don’t know what the real practice is, but charging for the sake of intimidation (i.e. making the subject more pliable for a plea bargain) is unethical (and should be criminal as far as I’m concerned).