
Rep. Louie 'Terror Babies' Gohmert: The Obama Administration is Full of Muslim Brotherhood Members

Varek Raith4/26/2013 2:24:01 pm PDT

re: #131 goddamnedfrank

Unfortunately the background checks bill didn’t exist in a vacuum. NY’s SAFE Act law pretty blatantly violates both the Fifth Amendment’s provision against unlawful taking without compensation and the Ex Post Facto clause of the Constitution. Feinstein’s AWB alienated tons of responsible gun owners and offended anybody with an honest understanding of statistics by focusing on less than 5 percent of the problem.

The fact is that gun control supporting legislators blew the finite amount of political capital they passing and attempting to pass deeply flawed legislation. In the NY case it was pushed through rushed and deliberately without any debate, so much so that they were surprised to find out they forgot to exempt police officers.

If the NRA blew it by failing to support background checks then the gun control advocates blew it by failing to lead off with them. The other failure came in not even trying to educate the public about the real statistical problem, handguns.

There wasn’t a damn thing that would’ve passed the filibuster happy GOP and you know it.
Nothing was ever going to really happen.
Thanks, Gun nuts.