
Tuesday Night Mind-Warp: Li Hongbo: Statues in Motion

TedStriker2/25/2014 9:07:03 pm PST

re: #129 allegro

And now he’s even here too!!! AAAARGH!! please stop, I beg of you. To think that once upon a time, in an age long ago when the Houston Oilers reigned in our hearts, Dan Patrick was my favorite local TV sportscaster. Would that he had kept that job rather than open a bar (with a staff of undocumented workers that he is now so determined to fuck over) and now…. just grrrrr, I re
ally hate that guy.

Just so other people are clear, we need to distinguish between the known Dan Patricks.

Dan Patrick, national sportscaster (host of The Dan Patrick Show for Premiere/Clear Channel, among other things)

Dan Patrick, TX politician, former Houston sportscaster, current RWNJ radio host, and all-around fucknut

For those keeping track of the box score, in the context of TX politics, the latter is who we’re talking about.