
The Worst Human Being on Twitter Spews Racist Hate Speech at John Legend

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam2/23/2015 4:43:04 am PST

re: #136 Justanotherhuman

Whitey doesn’t have it all?

It did at the Oscars, except for John Legend and “Glory”.”

So, WTF…never mind.

I was pleased by the news this am that Moore, Redmayne, Arquette and Simmons won for their acting chops, but disappointed that C4 won best doc.

BTW, if you haven’t seen Virunga yet, it’s sad, beautiful and gives you an idea of how, while I wouldn’t describe it as neo-colonialism so much, western cos are raiding Africa and its people of too many of their natural resources and destroying others in the process.

It’s not just western cos. China is the new economic colonial power, and already running into troubles with locals, particularly workers and neighbors of their various commercial ventures, because what Chinese companies say and what they do are two different things.