
Image of the Week: A Global Mosaic of Pluto in True Color

allegro7/25/2015 8:07:02 am PDT

So I was having a lovely evening last night all snuggled in on my bed reading a great book when at about 11 I got up to do nightie chores. Couldn’t have taken 5 minutes to check the door, feed Mo the fish, and turn out the lights. Happily plopped my butt back on the bed to get back to my book to realize said butt was very wet and warm. I jumped up to see that Buddy the dog had peed on my bed! The little fucker!

I knew what it was about though he has NEVER done anything that rude before to express his displeasure. He’s jealous of Mo. My dog is jealous of a fucking fish. He apparently decided that doggy body slamming me and whacking me with toys when I’m playing with Mo has been inadequate.

There is a large pile of bedding laundry on my sofa that I so don’t feel like dragging up to the laundry room. The little fucker.