
And Now, Something Amazing: Wintergatan - Marble Machine

FormerDirtDart πŸ•πŸ€ No Capt'n 😷 Trips3/06/2016 7:32:48 am PST

re: #134 Dark_Falcon

It’ll keep him in till Florida, most likely, andit should. Part of me thinks that Rubio should use a Puerto Rico win as a chance to get out of the race on a not-negative note. However, Florida does have 99 electoral votes and its winner-take-all. So if Rubio could pull off that win he’d look a lot better delegate-wise.

Moreover, Ted Cruz entered Florida too late to win it and is just going in to try to mess Rubio up, while Kaisch is focused solely on Ohio right now. So for Rubio to drop out would be to cede Florida to Donald Trump and I reject that idea. Therefore Rubio should stay in for now.

I live in Jacksonville, and since Thursday have been bombarded with Anti-Trump ads from a myriad of conservative PACs . No advocating for any particular candidate, just not Trump.