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Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·11/26/2020 8:29:49 pm PST

The genocide is deliberate, Wyoming edition. What do you do when thereā€™s an epidemic in your state?

Proposed budget cuts pound public services (Cheyenne Wyoming Tribune-Eagle)

Iā€™m surrounded by morans, but I canā€™t afford to live somewhere sane.

Gov. Mark Gordon last week sent proposed budget cuts to the Wyoming Legislature that slash public services and weaken the already thin safety net supporting Wyomingā€™s most vulnerable.

In a news release accompanying his budget proposal, Gordon said his government took a ā€œstrategicā€ path to reducing programs instead of recommending indiscriminate percentage cuts. The goal is to manage the stateā€™s fiscal crash with the least impact to citizens, the governor said.

But given the scale of the savings budget writers must find, cushioning the public from harm is no longer possible: ā€œIt is a harsh reality that at this point every cut will hurt,ā€ Gordon said in a news release.


Tax rises on the wealthy and Wyoming corporations are of course, off the table. The conservative religion only allows for cutting your way to prosperity, no matter how many people you have to kill to do it.

Besides, Gov. Gordon has no worries, he has state socialist medical care as the state governor, as does his family.