
Celebrating Women's Day

lawhawk3/08/2010 11:32:03 am PST

re: #87 spacejesus

the stereotypical southern evangelical church known as the Westboro Baptists are being dragged on appeal before SCOTUS. 1st amendment nerds assemble.


Westboro has the right to show the world that it is racist, biased, idiotic, trogloditic, and otherwise generally bass-ackward.

As much as it pains me to see the families of these soldiers have to put up with their crapulence, Westboro does have the right to protest - it is political speech and I would hope that the Courts do find accordingly.

Protests can be countered with counter-protests, which is often what has been done elsewhere. Still, the Courts have previously found time,space, manner limitations on speech, so they might find that Westboro violated those grounds. Not sure what they’ll do with the $5 million in damages. They might reverse and remand on those grounds…