
Virginia Governor McDonnell Declares April 'Confederate History Month'

palomino4/06/2010 3:53:07 pm PDT

re: #69 windsagio

At risk of godwinning this is always a good comparison:

Nazi Germany was evil, but not all Germans were evil Nazis.

In the same way, the Confederacy was Evil, but not all southerners were Confederates.

Like any group whose ancestors committed atrocities, many southerners rationalize and deny.

It took the US a long time to fess up to the genocide of Native Americans; likewise with the Turks and their genocide of Armenians; hell, the Nazis would have tried harder to deny the Holocaust if they hadn’t kept such thorough records.

This isn’t really anything new in history; it just sucks that we haven’t gotten over it after 150 years.