
NYT Treats Judge Napolitano with Kid Gloves

Walter L. Newton6/18/2010 12:40:41 pm PDT

re: #126

The walmart bags have loops in them that fit the bag holder where the plastic ones are. I just slip my bags onto the holder while I’m being rung up - takes just a second, and I’ve never had to use more than 4.

And consider this… the plastic bags are supported OPEN, by three sides… the back loop and the two side, making it easy to deposit items in the bag.

The cloth bags, even with the loop on the back, flop around and don’t even become stable until you have placed various items in them.

I can’t believe there would have been a time in my life I would be discussing the dynamics and mechanics of filling bags at a supermarket.

That’s what makes life so cool… so many things to learn all the time.