
Religion = Politics at BeckFest 2010

Cato the Elder8/28/2010 9:41:57 pm PDT

re: #132 swamprat

I am for closing the borders. Complete wall. Then allowing all to enter, but have them documented, fingerprinted, whatever. And I believe we should have a rational plan for legalization, both for those who come, and for those who are here. I don’t even care what the plan is; or if it is to be draconian, or easy. It makes no difference to me, as long as we control our borders and enforce a real immigration policy with actual laws, instead of the hodge-podge of loosely and capriciously prosecuted statutes we currently are under.
With actual borders, we can allow or shut off, immigration as the countrie’s needs fluctuate. With no real borders, we are caught with our pants down.

You are illiterate, so why should I care what you’re for?