
Glenn Reynolds: Anti-Muslim Craziness Is All Obama's Fault

researchok10/17/2010 12:11:46 pm PDT

re: #124 Obdicut

Okay. You said:

Bigotry was completely mainstream very, very recently in the US. It has remained very strong, and very prevalent. Bigotry is being mainstreamed again, to the extent that the GOP candidate for governor of New York is an obviously racist fucker, and Rush Limbaugh, race-baiting moron extraordinaire, is kow-towed to by the leadership of the GOP. If you look through LGF over the past year, you will find many, many articles about the racist tactics being used by the GOP in the current moment.

I reject your premise that bigotry has ever been marginal in the US. We have made enormous progress, but we have had a long, long way to go— and a long way ahead of us, as well.

The reason bigotry in the south was so long lived had a lot to do with politics- for decades, Democrat politics kept racism front and center.

I agree we’ve come a long way and that is my point. Today, Racism is marginal and has been for decades. Scare tactics aside, I do not believe we’re going back. We may have more work to do but the Bull Connor days are over.