
Rachel Maddow on the Violent Anti-Abortion Movement

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]4/21/2011 10:37:49 pm PDT

I mean, I guess it’s okay if bald men ride around in Cadillac Escalades that get 4 miles per gallon, donked out on 24 inch rims that make the vehicle dangerous and prone to spinning out of control on the highway, burning up oil as fast as the Saudi’s can sell it to us, endangering other people o the highway who aren’t rolling around in 6000 lb curbweight vehicles.

personally, if more people took people powered transportation more seriously, this world would be a million times better off

I rode a skateboard (badly). my friends rode skateboards (well). they spent a summer building a massive halfpipe, it was community building, it was a sport, it was a past time that didn’t involve a fatass coach screaming at you or parents living vicariously through their children. ir promoted ingenuity. i tried that halfpipe a few times, fell every time, still had a blast. It was a fond memory, and I miss those guys.

Tony Hawk is, what, 45 years old? Still kicking ass.Pprobably done more to help kids who are misfits than a thousand juiced up roidrage baseball jocks pretending they’re Great Americans, a hundred dogkiller football players. it’s an individual sport. it’s a mode of transportation for people in this town, and it’s a sport that rewards personal dedication and doesn’t steal resources from schools.

so yeah. More skateboards, I say. Way more. I root for everyone who ain’t driving some giant gashog.