
Tuesday Evening Open

jamesfirecat5/17/2011 8:56:06 pm PDT

re: #134 Dark_Falcon

Romney I’d happily vote for, and I think we’d all agree he’s sane. I’d also vote for Tim Pawlenty without any hesitation. Yes, he’s a creationist; But I also think him sane and trustworthy.

Newt Gingrich, I’m of two minds about. I’m often disgusted by the stuff he does, but he’s a good ideas man and a highly competant organizer. I can’t honestly say what I’d do if he were the nominee, though its about 55-45% in favor of voting for him (but that could change).

Palin, Paul and Bachmann I will never vote for. They are all incompetant for the position of President, and I will not vote for someone manifestly unfit for the job.

Gotcha, sounds like T-Paw is the come from behind man to watch out for them. Mittens is going to get sunk by the fact that he’s Republican Brand John Kerry only without the war service and with passing universal healthcare for his state (WITH A MANDATE! SHOCK! HORROR!) And Newt has too much baggage to make it through a serious political campaign in my opinion.