
Heritage Foundation Head Jim DeMint's Revisionist History: Government Didn't Free the Slaves

No Malarkey!4/09/2014 1:10:21 pm PDT

re: #70 EPR-radar

What a steaming load of confederate apologist bullshit from De Mint. Let’s just take this line by line.

As made manifest in the Union armies that invaded the Confederacy after it started the civil war, and for 10+ years of military occupation and rule thereafter.

Constitution quote fail as noted above. More significantly, slavery was hardly a creation of the Dred Scott decision. People as property is an inherent feature of slavery, especially slavery as in the US.

Why is there a Southern Baptist Denomination? That right, the Baptists in the US split over the issue of slavery, just like most other denominations. People of faith were on both side of this issue, so I’ll be kind and score it neutrally, despite the inherent evil in the position that US slavery was ordained by a loving god.

Wouldn’t want to mention any of those nasty US abolitionists that said all kind of horrible things about the confederacy, so let’s go with a safe British example. +50 purity points.

A debate of this point is farcical. It is self evident that big Federal government freed the slaves.

More fail. Take it away Mr. Lincoln:

Being a conservative means never having to concede an inch of ground to reality.