
Twitter CEO Dick Costolo: 'We Suck at Dealing With Abuse'

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)2/05/2015 7:15:27 am PST

re: #135 lawhawk

One of the memes floating around among the fever swamps on the right is that Obama hasn’t done anything against ISIL/ISIS after the Paris attacks, while the Jordanian king is in uniform and is personally directing hellfire at ISIL.

So while that is actually Jordanian King in fatigues, President Obama hasn’t done nothing but release Gitmo terrorists back into the wild (which was done to get back Bowe Bergdahl and address his actions pursuant to the UCMJ). In fact, the US just took out an al Qaeda thug who celebrated the attack on video. And the US continues attacking ISIL and al Qaeda targets across the Middle East, Levant, North Africa, and South Asia.

He’s doing behind the scenes stuff like every president does. I think the only president that ever went out in uniform was actually George Washington and that was during an internal rebellion no less. These people really want to delude themselves to the false notion that has been pushed since Obama was first nominated for president that he doesn’t want to address terrorism. I say that’s not only a lie, it ignores that he’s actually done more and been more effective against terrorism than Bush was but the right wingers they just like their tough guys.