
Following the Passage of Bobby Jindal's Stealth Creationism Law, Louisiana Leads the Way Into the New Dark Age

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)6/02/2015 9:17:12 pm PDT

re: #134 Dark_Falcon

Most parents don’t want to throw their son to the wolves and having prosecuted would have had that effect. It also would have made the family into social outcasts for a good while, simply because of the severe stigma that comes from a member of a family being discovered to be a child molester. It’s certainly understandable why, given those realities, Jim Bob and Michelle wanted things kept quiet.

I’m not agreeing with their decision, but their motives in making it were not all bad ones.

Okay what about my point about making themselves into reality TV stars and Frank’s bit about continuing to lie about LGBT people and child abuse? And what about their daughters? Didn’t they throw them to the wolf by continuing to keep Josh around? Jim Bob was on record as saying that people who commit incest and rape should be executed. Funny how that changed when Sonny Boy did it huh. He failed as a father to protect his daughters here.