
Monday Night Art: Steven Wilson, "Routine"

William Lewis11/03/2015 7:02:14 am PST

re: #130 lawhawk

There was a beep right as you start to hear the bird rustle and fly up and away. I think that’s a giveaway.

I’m not sure what that buzz is but I still don’t see anything indicating a bird released - a pheasant would have taken off at a dead run, not flown away, from such a box.

At the bottom of the linked article is this:

[CORRECTION: This post originally referred to the pheasant as a captive; photojournalist Mark Kauzlarich, who was in attendance, claimed in a tweet that there were no captive pheasants on the game reserve.]

What usually happens on these kind of game farms is that they will release 20 or 40 birds into an area that usual has, perhaps, 4 to 6 birds living on it. The release happens from the night before to a hour or two before the “hunt”. This ensures that the birds are too skittish to keep running as is their habit and will flush easier. Most places guarantee that the hunter will get a certain number of birds during their time there.

I’m not trying to defend him or the game farm, but understand these hunts for what they actually are rather than make them out to be worse than they are.