
Overnight Tiny Desk Jam: Lake Street Dive

No Malarkey!4/30/2016 10:53:22 am PDT

re: #133 Nyet

Worst and best are notoriously subjective, but that could be made less problematic by establishing specific criteria. If the number of deaths is one such criterion, surely Mao is in competition, considering the unreliability of the available stats.

Mao certainly killed a lot of people, but no-one actually decided to appoint him to a position of power; he seized it through force. The people advising Hindenburg could’ve learned just by reading Mein Kampf that Hitler was insane and would plunge Europe and Germany into another disastrous war, but in their hubris they thought they could control him. I’m hoping we don’t have to find out whether or not electing Trump President will turn out to be an even worse decision.