
Colbert on Idiotic Rep. Matt Gaetz: Forced to Self-Quarantine on Air Force One With President Trump on Board

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷3/10/2020 1:22:04 pm PDT

re: #125 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Our German state of Rheinland-Palatinate has only around 17 confirmed cases. Worst is up around Cologne/Düsseldorf/Essen in North Rhine-Westphalia with over 450…which is where my girlfriend lives.

She is supposed to come visit this weekend…

The organiser of our upcoming event in Germany lives in Switzerland. He says as of now it’s still on, as Switzerland has more restrictive rules than Germany. (The Swiss government has banned all gatherings larger than one thousand people; our gathering is expected to have less than three hundred.)

He also notes the Swiss health services have switched from reporting all cases to reporting only severe cases.