
Seth Meyers: Trump's Mar-a-Lago Neighbors Don't Want Him to Move There

Decatur Deb12/17/2020 3:51:53 am PST

re: #135 Dr Lizardo

Both of my parents grew up in the Great Depression/WWII era - which has stood me in good stead during this current crisis. Learned how to be economical, bargain hunt, hell, I’ve even indulged in a bit of dumpster diving and found some remarkable items (in perfectly good condition, or needing only minor repairs) that people have inexplicably thrown away.

Our neighborhood/town does curb-cycling. The city has a wonderful team that picks up yard trash and anything up to a discarded couch once each week. They take it from a semi-designated spot at the corner of each front yard. Anything we place on that spot is fair game until it’s picked up. We had to be careful about kids leaving bikes and toys on the hot spot.