
Friday Roots: John Hiatt With the Jerry Douglas Band: "Mississippi Phone Booth"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷3/27/2021 1:11:47 am PDT

Yeah, fuque those atheists. (And Hindus, and Buddhists, and pagans, and… .)

BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — A proposal in North Dakota to shield schools and teachers from lawsuits arising from posting the Ten Commandments in classrooms is unconstitutional and would spur costly and unwinnable legal fights, attorneys and education officials told state lawmakers Wednesday.

Despite the cautionary advice, the House Judiciary Committee gave the legislation an 11-3 “do-pass” recommendation, hoping that a requirement that the Ten Commandments be included in a display with other historical documents would fend off legal challenges. The full House will consider the bill later.

The Republican-led North Dakota Senate approved the measure 34-13 last month.

Attorneys and education officials said the bill likely violates the clause in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution that prohibits the establishment of religion by the government.

“Should the Legislature enact (the measure) it will likely precipitate costly litigation for which public school will be liable under federal law,” the American Civil Liberties Union said in written testimony.

Proponents of the legislation say it is intended to promote moral behavior in schools.

“No religion opposes the Ten Commandments — atheists do,” said Edinburg GOP Sen. Janne Myrdal, who sponsored the bill.


North Dakota warned Ten Commandments bill will spur lawsuits (Omaha World-Herald)

Bear in mind, when Republican legislators bring these bills designed to undermine the Constitution, they are not all Evangelicals. Republicans of all Christian sects support them.