
Ask Bobby Jindal About His Creationism

Lynn B.2/21/2009 9:17:54 am PST

Let’s not forget about the legislative pay raise debacle. I don’t see any suggested questions about that over at the Meet The Press blog.

His talents failed him — and exposed the perils of political equivocation — early in his administration when the state legislature voted to raise the pay of its members.

While campaigning, Jindal had said he would veto such a pay raise.

But he hesitated when confronted with an actual vote of the legislature, first saying he would allow it to take effect and then, amid public outcry, reversing himself.

Jindal clearly had little interest in incurring the wrath of either the state legislators, who had not had an increase in many years, or the voters — two constituencies he needs to keep satisfied to stay in office and climb higher.