
FBI Mosque Informer: A Convicted Con Artist

Slumbering Behemoth Stinks5/01/2009 9:39:19 pm PDT

re: #116 coldwarrior

yeah, so i’m wrong…except that recruitment requires two sides.

a recruiter

a recruitee

someone has to be the assumed dummy

And with your desire to play the offended victim in this little piece of baseless grievance theater, you choose to take a very specific statement that applies to a small percentage of a demographic, and twist it into a vague statement that applies to the entire demographic.

In this instance, the “recruiter” is the populist, squawking head asshole who wishes to drum up outrage for personal profit by making a mountain out of a mole hill, and the “recrutiees” are people like you who buy this line of bullshit.

Indeed, someone has to be the assumed dummy. So who is it? The squawking head sells the snake oil, or the rube that buys it?

Caveat emptor.