
Pat Buchanan Defends Sarah Palin's Birther Pandering

Killgore Trout12/04/2009 9:07:00 pm PST

re: #110 Charles

Regardless of what you think about Andrew Sullivan’s slightly crazy theories about Sarah and Trig Palin, I think we can all agree that Dan Riehl is one of the most vile, bigoted Neanderthal throwbacks currently blogging on the right.

I’ll agree with you on Rhiel but Andrew Sullivan is still at it…
Palin Puts The Trig Question Back On The Table

She therefore backs this blog’s near-solitary attempt to get her to provide evidence - after very serious questions of fact emerged - that she was indeed the biological mother of Trig.

Palin has never produced Trig’s birth certificate or a single piece of objective medical evidence that proves he is indeed her biological son. A child with Down Syndrome must have a pile of such records, tests, assessments and ultrasounds that conclusively prove that he is Sarah’s biological son. It seems bizarre to me that neither the public nor the campaign (so far as I can glean) has ever been given one of them.

lease, governor Palin, let’s put this behind us. Only you can. I pledge to post any and all material you can provide debunking these stories soon as I receive any. I’d like this line of inquiry to end as soon as possible - for the sake of all of us, but especially the innocent child caught up in something he doesn’t deserve.

At a time when it’s so easy to demonstrate more class and appear less crazy than the wingnuts Sullivan still can’t quite mange to make it back to reality. His obsession with Paliin’s handicapped child is demented and perverse. There’s absolutely no excuse for it.