
Instapundit: 'Shoeshine Boy' Picture Not Racist

bj1/03/2010 10:56:42 am PST

re: #132 Walter L. Newton

Because racism does that to me… maybe it’s a character flaw, I’m sensitive to racism, grew up with it, saw it all the time, know how to spot it.

I know, it’s a terrible way to be. Too bad I can’t be like you who see so much positive in these pictures (which of course, you have yet to explain).

I did not say I saw anything positive in that picture. You have selective reading apparently. I do not defend that pic at all. I say, it’s no big deal to get all hepped up over, to cause friction over. When you do that, you play right into the hands of those whose intent it was to harm others. I’ve very sensitive to racism, to treating others differently, etc.

If I encountered that situation, as is in the picture, in real life my instinct would be to get on the floor with the worker and help him … and, in my life, I have done exactly that in what I’ve seen as unfair conditions. I am no better than any other person and am not afraid to defend my fellow man but I don’t just just talk it on the internet. I take action in real life. That, compared to reacting to a cheap photo shopped pic, is much more meaningful .. to me anyway.

Personally, I’ve had enough of you phiranas today. I never thought I’d say that about Charles’s site but I am shocked at the way I’ve been treated here.