
Tea Party Organizer: 'No Place' for Racist Behavior

Walter L. Newton5/03/2010 1:55:05 pm PDT

re: #121 ralphieboy

Yes, the laws shouled be enforced. But that means physically closing the border and patrolling it aggressively, which costs money. Registering and tracking immigrants will also greatly expand government bureaucracy and cost money.

There are a lot of folks who are opposed to more government on principle. And a lot of cynical bastards who have a lot of interest in maintaining the status quo who are happy to exploit their principles.

You are comparing apples to oranges. From the most honestly concerned people I know to the most racist people I know, both who want immigration control, I have not ONCE heard any complaints about the cost that may be incurred to maintain these control.

Nor have I heard any of the people suggesting that government is too big in regards to boarder and immigration control.

Border control, a strong military, a well-oil police force, these are areas that big government works best, and I rarely hear anyone complaining about those costs.

You are setting up a strawman that doesn’t exist.