
Majority of Manhattanites Support Cordoba House Mosque

Fozzie Bear8/11/2010 11:20:38 am PDT

re: #132 _RememberTonyC

i try not to generalize and use the term “liberals” casually, but if a member of their own side wants to engage in generalization about how tolerant they all are, they could also add ‘they’ are more “naive” (in some cases).

Look at issues of homosexuality, religions other than Christianity, etc.

When it comes to acceptance of lifestyles/cultures/religions/creeds differing from one’s own, the American left does tend to be more tolerant than the American right. This is borne out in the case of public opinion regarding the park51 mosque, certainly, when comparing public opinion in Manhattan, relative to public opinion elsewhere in NYC.

I wouldn’t expect a self-described conservative to acknowledge it, though.