
Breaking: Breitbart Booted from HuffPo Front Page

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)3/24/2011 4:27:24 pm PDT

I think it was the whole idea that you have to be a certain kind of Christian to go to heaven or else you go to hell that has long turned me off evangelical Protestantism. Of course, the really backwards views on gays, women, and science played a view too. An interesting note but I saw a HBO docuemntary about Vince Lombardi and the documentary said Lombardi who was educated by Jesuits got his views on racial tolerance and other things from being educated by the Jesuits as well as experiencing intolerance himself. I am not a Packers fan and heck they even beat my team in the SB last month but that made me respect the Packers and their legendary head coach that much more. Then I read on wiki that Lombardi even had stood up for a gay player when coaching hte Redskins. This in the late 60’s to a man born in 1913. So in a way he kinda reminded me of my dad’s dad who was also way ahead of his time on many issues.