
GOP Takes Up Residence on Fantasy Island

Killgore Trout5/22/2011 3:46:08 pm PDT

Our old pal Barrett Brown is leaving Anon to pursue more a more anti-American agenda…
“Face” of Anonymous quits — exclusive interview with Barrett Brown

Q - Anonymous seems to be splintering into different factions, with some defectors warring against other Anonymous members. Is this why you are leaving Anonymous to focus on your Project PM?

Operation Metal Gear has been my main focus and the sort of work it requires is best conducted by a cohesive group of people who are interested in researching and exposing the intelligence contracting industry.

Q - Project PM is your brainchild, but has over 90 members ranging from “a former CIA Directorate of Operations and the current Director of the University Center for Innovation in Teaching and Education at Case Western Reserve, to a Project Manager specialized in Internet strategy and development for firms, such as the Mozilla Foundation and John Hopkins University, and a jazz guitarist turned award-winning blogger.” How do these members as well as those that are leaving Anonymous to join Project PM, feel about your plans to expose pro-government and pro-corporation bias in the media?

I’ll be sending out an e-mail to all past participants later today, explaining that we’ll be rekindling our earlier projects while also concentrating on new efforts; I only expect a portion of those 90 or so people to get actively involved, but I’m now actively recruiting.

I wonder if Charles will get an invite?