
Video: The Feynman Series: Beauty

researchok10/03/2011 3:32:30 am PDT

re: #132 000G

Politically, I’m pretty much an iconoclast- I’m right of center and I like Obama a lot. He has done a bang up job on national security, second to none. He’s taken a lot of heat from his base and doesn’t give a damn about it.

I believe he does have some good economic plans though his execution is has been nothing less than awful. He pandered early to unions (he’s still paying for that) instead of focusing on jobs and how he got talked into the insane stimulus I’ll never understand.

He was right to bail out the banks and GM (they screwed him over big time in the end with big bonuses and wasteful spending) because to not have done would have caused a job loss cascade.

I believe Obama is a transitional president in the sense that his agendas will influence future leadership, not unlike Clinton and Regan for example- and that is why he is so despised. He is the first real 21st century president and like it or not, he has begun to move the country.

He isn’t perfect (far from it!) but what president has been? He is not the messiah offering a utopia- he is a leader that expects the nation the get back to work, to repair and itself from decades of indulgence.

He’s a realist. He’s a capitalist because capiltalism works like no other system in the world, but he also believes no one ought to get a free ride (big business).

He’s upset a lot of people- good on him- on both sides of the aisle.

Obama is not a Democrat of the same machine as the House Democrats any more than Reagan was a Republican of the House Republican machine. They were leaders. They pissed off their bases when they had to, for the betterment of the nation.

Were they perfect? Nope.

The fact is, they never had to be.