
WaPo Blogger Jennifer Rubin Suddenly Notices That the Right Is Anti-Gay

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/23/2012 2:55:01 am PDT

re: #137 Sergey Romanov

Freetoken, are you here?

Well… briefly in these wee hours of the morning.

Any particular reason?

I have noticed that on the Amazon page for Ehrman’s latest book that the comments are multiplying and going into all sorts of tangents. If anything, this latest foray by Ehrman to broadside the mythicists is stirring up interest (and animosity) in this area.

Thinking about doing a Page on it, but the topic is so exhaustive I don’t think it would be a very good read, because of the need to provide all the background information. You probably noticed that upstream I dinged Ehrman’s promo video.

All of this leads into one of my contentions about what is going on in the US - that we as a society are in a period of de-Christianizing our own national myths and this is causing great angst among the remnant believers, who still make up the majority of the over-middle-aged crowd.