
Friday Night Jam: Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros - Man on Fire

Targetpractice6/01/2012 9:35:54 pm PDT

re: #137 freetoken

re: #132 palomino

Are we psyching ourselves up for the term “President Romney”.

I’m just trying to keep a level head about this. Personally, I think Obama’s playing all the wrong notes right now with the “lowest spending” bit. The GOP’s damning him anyway, working the numbers to show that spending still “exploded” and blaming even spending he’d inherited from the last guy in office on him.

Were I him, I’d be other there telling folks that focusing on the deficit, focusing on the debt, is a mistake. That those are long-term problems, ones that will not be fixed in two terms and sure as hell not in one. That what we should focus on is things that we can affect today, like the job situation. That there are miles and miles of roads, bridges, tunnels, pipes, and so forth that are in dire need of repair and replacement, but are being left to languish in a atmosphere of worry about other spending priorities. That, in the mold of FDR, what this nation needs now is the largest renovation program in its history, to make our infrastructure the envy of the world yet again.