
Romney Campaign Releases Video Titled "Mitt Doesn't Disdain the Poor," Then Deletes It

The Ghost of a Flea9/18/2012 8:58:22 pm PDT

re: #121 Shiplord Kirel

The modern GOP is a curious alliance of fundamentalist Christians, whose founder drove the corrupt money changers from the Temple, and big money corporate types, who ARE the corrupt money changers in the Temple.

Jesus gives the minority report in wingnut Christianity.

From the archives: Rick Warren and The Purpose-Driven Lie

[On July 25, 2011] famed “Christian” pastor Rick Warren, wealthy author and megachurch leader, tweeted the following:

HALF of America pays NO taxes. Zero. So they’re happy for tax rates to be raised on the other half that DOES pay any taxes.

Stupid or evil? Both. That’s such an old lie, told so often by old liars and debunked so frequently that Warren can’t have believed it unless he had spent the previous three decades somewhere with no television, no radio, no newspapers and no Bibles.

The nasty lie he told was not a faux pas, or an innocent bit of misinformation.
First of all, he knew it was not true…He was bearing false witness. He was bearing witness that he knew to be false.

But more importantly, it was malicious false witness. This was not a piece of data that he passed along mistakenly believing it to be true. This was a slander against poor people that no one would ever pass along unless they really didn’t like poor people. It sounded mean because it was mean.

It’s a vicious lie, contemptuous of the weak, haughty and detestable, arrogant, overfed and unconcerned. This was the sin of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor and the needy.