
And Now, the National Review Chimes In: "Putting the Shine on CPAC"

BongCrodny3/16/2013 9:08:11 am PDT

So I went to the VA clinic yesterday to get the bronchitis looked at.

Met a fellow veteran, rather chatty fellow, in the waiting room.

He said he was a 20-year man, and then spent a career in civil law enforcement.

Without prompting, he offered “I don’t know you you feel about Barack Obama, but I have to say he’s not my President and I don’t agree with anything he stands for.”


20 year veteran, collecting a pension from the U.S. government, then a career in civil law enforcment — which he’s also presumably collecting a pension from, and now he’s at the VA getting the free medical care.

And he doesn’t agree with anything Obama stands for.

What the fuck is wrong with this picture?