
Tea Partying: When Protest Movements Defend the Interests of the Ultra-Rich

Lidane9/24/2013 1:11:53 pm PDT

re: #130 Dr Lizardo

Cruz will actually gain some stature over this temper tantrum from the Teahadis/Freepers.

Case in point: (Freeper link)

He is doing what I elected him to do. If the media and the GOP-E don’t like it, they can pound sand.

WOW! Just Wow!
Telling it like it is. Calling out both parties!

Senator Cruz ripping them a new one. He is the real deal. Says they better listen to the people and what the people want rather then spending 6 weeks talking about taking peoples guns…just wow!!! Addressing madame president who is pelosi I assume

Cruz puts the wood to the GOPe!

Calls them out for voting on Cloture. Kills ‘em.

Go Ted! He is shining the light on them!

Thanks for this link. Ted is a true leader.
We are witnessing the start of Ted’s 2016 campaign.

Ted stands on the side of Liberty. He will flush out all the evil statists in both parties.

I loathe RINOs more than I do the RATS. If the evil GOPe were honest, they would switch to the party of their true beliefs — the RAT party.

That includes Rove, the vile POS that is as destructive as anyone on the left.

Cruz exposing all the RINOs who want to come home and say they voted against ObamaCare while the vote for cloture and allow Democrats to pass the bill with simple majority.

And that’s just from the first page of over 300 comments and counting.

They love him. It’s both hilarious and terrifying.