
Mike Huckabee Labels Lara Logan a 'Hero Journalist' for Discredited Benghazi Report

Blind Frog Belly White11/27/2013 1:10:57 pm PST

re: #116 Backwoods_Sleuth

I feel like such a Thanksgiving dinner heathen.
Menu here is a slow roasted chunk of beef, Yorkshire pud and Brussels sprouts.
Only nod to traditional dishes are homemade cranberry sauce and a sweet potato pie.

I’m stuck doing the whole thing - Turkey, Stuffing, Mashed P, and Punkin Pies. I can’t even do anything else for Christmas dinner. When Mrs. Jockey’s father started giving us a Honeybaked Ham for Christmas, I discovered that I also had to make Stuffing and Mashed P, and roast a turkey breast, or hear how I’d Ruined Christmas Forever.

Mom and Dad used to grow Brussels Sprouts, so I grew up eating them, and I like them, at least in part because I know how to cook ‘em without them turning bitter and sulfurous. I tried making them for Mrs. Jockey ONCE. I gave them every chance - chose small ones, blanched them JUST to doneness, then tossed them into hot olive oil with garlic, and topped them with freshly grated Parmegiano Reggiano and freshly ground black pepper.

She said they were the best Brussel Sprouts she’d ever had, but if I never made them ever for the rest of her life, she’d be happier.